Add Tags to your Webflow Blog

Mar 22, 2024

Adding tags to your Webflow blog not only helps in organizing content but also plays a significant role in enhancing your blog's SEO. This process involves several steps, utilizing Webflow's CMS features to create and manage tags effectively. The following is a synthesis of information drawn from multiple sources to guide you through adding tags to your Webflow blog.

Create a Tags Collection

Begin by establishing a Tags collection within Webflow. This collection will act as your tag database, where each tag represents a separate item. You can name these tags according to your content categories, like "Web Design" or "SEO Tips"​​.

Add a Multi-Reference Field to Your Blog Post Collection

Next, you should include a multi-reference field in your Blog Post collection. This field links to your Tags collection, allowing you to attach multiple tags to each blog post, facilitating the categorization of content for better organization and searchability​​.

Assign Tags to Blog Posts

When creating or editing a blog post in Webflow, you can now select applicable tags from your Tags collection. This allows for the assignment of relevant tags to each post, which can be multiple, enhancing the post's visibility and categorization​​.

Displaying Tags on Your Blog Post Template

In the Blog Post Template page, add a Collection List that draws from the Tags collection through the multi-reference field. This setup enables the display of tags specific to each blog post, aiding readers in navigating related content​​.

Utilize Filters for Collection Lists

You can further refine content display on other site pages by adding Collection Lists that filter blog posts based on their tags. This method is particularly useful for creating category pages that showcase blog posts sharing common tags​​.

Additional Considerations

  • Consistency in Tagging: Maintain consistency in your tagging approach to avoid confusion and to strengthen your SEO strategy.
  • Relevance of Tags: Ensure that the tags you use are relevant to the blog post content to provide a clear guide to readers and search engines.
  • Limit the Number of Tags: While it's tempting to use many tags for broader visibility, focusing on a few relevant tags per post is more effective and user-friendly​​.

Leveraging Conditional Visibility

An advanced tip for managing blog post tags in Webflow is to use conditional visibility. This feature allows you to show or hide elements in a Collection List based on certain criteria, such as the presence of tags. This can be particularly useful for ensuring that the tags display is only activated when relevant, keeping your blog's appearance neat and organized​​.

The process outlined combines best practices from various sources and reflects a comprehensive approach to utilizing tags within the Webflow CMS for blog management and SEO optimization. For further reading and detailed guidance, the sources like Airops​​, TweakDesigns​​, and discussions on the Webflow forum​​ provide valuable insights and community-driven advice.

Article Tags
Add webflow tags
Webflow Tags
Webflow SEO